Cleanliness and bathing is an integral part of a pet's health regime. CTHK understads this basic need and takes it very seriously. Every member of the CTHK family is kept well groomed and clean. We bathe our residents regularly with clean water and chemical free conditioner shampoos. Bathing time is usually a fun activity where the pets are gently handled with professional care so that they have a playful yet relaxing experience to rejuvenate their senses. After bath, they are dried carefully and brushed lavishly so that all our pets' coats are naturally nourished and hydrated.
In India, the most commonly faced problem is external parasitic "infestation by ticks". This leads to other medical problems and diseases transmitted by the tick itself. More than that it becomes a problem to the entire household because the ticks reproduce very fast. There are many chemical preparations available in the market which can be applied externally and injectable formulations to combat external parasites. Please ask your vet for advice and follow these basic steps:
* For Mild Infestations:
Apply the recommended medicines externally after a thorough bath.( be sure to tie the mouth to avoid the dog from licking the medicine)
Allow the Dogs coat to dry completely.
Search and remove the ticks by hand-picking and put them into a bottle of kerosene. Destroy them later by burning, because ticks can exist without water and food for even upto a six month period.
* For Heavy Infestations:
When infestations are too heavy to be controlled in the above manner, take the advice of your vet and use injectable drugs that will control parasitic infestations.
If you can afford it, buy a Anti-Tick collar and change it according to the manufacturer's recommendation.
Usually, a regular check weekly, and bathing once a month ( or less frequently according to weather conditions) will ensure that you will not face such problems. Frequent bathing will remove the natural oil and sheen of the coat. The housing quarters of the dog and all the places where the dog sleeps or uses should be sprayed with pesticides as advised by the Vet. This has to be done simultaneously while treating the dog.
* Worm Infestations
Hookworm and roundworm infestation is the most common problem faced by Dog owners. Sometimes, even with the utmost care in Cooking the dogs become infested with the ova, and the adult worms that develop cause many problems. The dog loses weight or develops a pot-belly. This health loss can be prevented by simple means, such as regularly deworming the dog. Take your Vet's advice and deworm you dog once in two to three months. Hook worm infestation particularly can cause a loss of blood. It is not unusual in an untreated case to see a huge ball of worms inside the stomach if the dog is operated on.
* Mange and other Skin Infections
Demodectic Mange and Sarcoptic Mange infections are quite common in India. The Demdectic Mange is found in small numbers in a normal health dog itself, but cause a problem when the dog becomes sick or if there is a disorder in the immune system. They result in bald inflamed patches of scaly skin, please take your vet's advice in treating this condition. Regular grooming and keeping the dog clean usually avoids the problem.
* Health of Your Dog and Frequently Asked Questions
At Dogs India we believe that you should have the best information available on the net. There are many sites with exhaustive information and links to Dog Health, Infections & Diseases, Common and Chronic medical problems, problems faced by parasitic infestations and so on. So we have given you some "important links" that will give you detailed info on any matter relating to Dog Health. If you have a specific problem for which you are not able to find the answer, please write to us :
Want your pet to have a great bathing experience? Contact CTHK now to book an appointment.
- Clean Water.
- Skin-safe Chemical free conditioner shampoos.
- Professional care.
- Proper Drying and Brushing of coat post bath.
- Healthy and nutritional meals.
- Comfortable stay for the pet.
- Hassle free experience for the owners.